Monday, March 27, 2023

Welcome back, I guess...and also Happy Homemaker Monday, March 27 2023

 Hiiii. Again. It's been over two years since I've touched this blog, and I'll touch on that in the future. Three years ago today, my life changed. I found out my husband had been unfaithful with a the midst of the pandemic. The last three years, I've struggled with the fallout of his infidelity in a town the size of a postage stamp where EVERYBODY knows everything. 

All of that said, I built a business the last three years. Realized my dream of becoming a flower farmer. Learned to not take guff from anybody. Learned to love myself fiercely. Navigated raising my daughters when all I wanted to do was disappear off the face of the earth. Cut so many ties. Freed myself from so much. 

Maybe one day, I'll tell the full story. Probably not though, because it doesn't define who I am anymore. I'm no longer "that lady whose husband cheated on her with his coworker". I'm a completely different person, in nearly every way. 

Should I have combined this terribly personal life update with a Happy Homemaker Post? Probably not. But we're rebels around here. so here goes. 


The Weather: Um, Spring? Is that you? We've had gorgeous temperatures, and our lowest low at night is in the 30's...all stuff I can deal with. 

         As I look outside my window: I'm currently house sitting, so it's not my window...but I can see the red farmhouse across the street and so much sunshine. 

        Right now, I am: Listening to music and typing up this post. Debating breakfast. 

        Thinking and pondering: I need to get my nails done. I need to plant some tubers. I need to...take a deep breath and relax. I'm slowly learning that breakneck speed doesn't need to be my normal. It's actually super damaging. 

        On my bedside table: "Shallow Graves", which I started last year and WILL finish before end of April, when I go home. A heater, which I don't reckon I'll need much now. Some other books. Pens. 

        On my TV this week: Late to the party as usual, I just started "The Killing". I loved Billy Campbell in "Cardinal" so it's interesting to watch him in something else. 

        Listening to: Right this second? "Honest Wage", a song by Penny and Sparrow. Andy Baxter's voice reduces me to tears at least once a week. Overall? The Bratterstein crime podcast. 

        On the lunch plate: I haven't even had breakfast yet. I'm doing intermittent fasting and I haven't broken fast yet. Probably a bagel sandwich and some fresh strawberries I got from a client this weekend. 

        On the dinner plate: Italian Sausage and Tortellini soup

        On the menu this week: Today we're doing that soup, tomorrow I'm making some variation of chicken and rice. It's always kind of weird cooking when I'm house sitting. Instacart has been a blessing though for sure. Beyond tomorrow, I haven't planned much yet. Maybe breakfast for dinner? 

        On my reading pile: Shallow Graves by Maureen Boyle. It's about the New Bedford Highway serial killings which took place in the 1980's. It's a heavy read, because the town reminds me so much of the town I live in, right down to the drug problem. I'm also reading a bunch of educational materials for work, because I'm forever learning about running a flower farm. 

        On my to-do list: Call in a nail appointment, wash floors, check in on the potted root dahlias. Start throwing some tubers in soil. Continue to pick and pack orders. Get some more flower pots out of storage. Move the plants back into the sun room. Move the rabbit and his house into the sunroom. Mail out bills. 

        Plans for the week: My nails. Getting out as many orders as I can. Spring cleaning!

        What I am creating: A watercolor piece entitled "Pigeon Party", of all things. Also, beautiiful flowers. 

        My simple pleasure: After years, I dragged my camera, Johnny Reb, out of storage. Taking pictures is my simple pleasure right now. I've realized how much I've missed it all while I was in survival mode. 

        Looking around the house: Pretty quiet. The girls are both busy with various school stuff. I need to clean this kitchen counter, which somehow has become my office space. 

        From the camera: 

A picture of Josie I took blowing bubbles. One of my favorites. 

        Bible Verse, Devotional, Quote:

"Your identity was established before the world began, in the heart and mind of God." --Mary Southerland.
I've recently gone back to reading morning devotions on the Girlfriends in God site. 

        On my prayer list: My friend who is looking for a new place to live, a sick neighbor, and my little family as usual. 

Have a beautiful week! 


Happy Homemaker Monday: March 10, 2025

 Look, look! I'm here on a Monday. Honestly, it's only because I've taken this whole week off work to reset my nervous system, b...