Good...afternoon. Today's been all kinds of weird, because of scheduling and such, but I'm doing my best to keep it all together, and so far it's working-ish. Some days, that's the best we can do.
The Weather in My Neck of the Woods: We're back to seasonable temperatures, and rain. Thankfully, not a lot, but there's still potential for flooding and our infrastructure honestly doesn't need more flooding. Not after Helene. We have temperatures in the teens overnight next week, and honestly, that's still not the negatives we saw a few weeks back, so I'm happy enough.
As I look outside my window: The sun is out, but it's that winter-bleary sunshine, and not bright like it was last week. There's clouds out there and I know they mean rain/seasonal weather, and that's actually pretty comforting to me.
Right now, I am: Typing this post, debating lunch, lamenting having to finish some pretty heavy-duty paperwork for the dahlias. Basically cycling through my to-do list. Also watching Renfield the giant white cat at the end of the bed who looks annoyed that I'm not paying him all the attention.
Someting fun to share (a blog, a video, a tip) This is totally not a tip, or anything, but last week, I tried the Starbucks Blackberry Sage Lemonade because it sounded really weird. It ended up actually being really good, so I guess your tip/advice is to try the weird things, they may turn out pretty dang good.
Thinking and pondering: I want to find an excuse to go outside today, other than just my usual run/walk/whatever. Maybe I'll stop by the thrift store with Goose later. Hmm. I think I need to buy bread, as we are on our last loaf. And there's my excuse.
On my bedside table: Books, my planner, my Kindle, a random clip of Goose's that she left here and I'll be returning to her room shortly. My tiny mug of coffee with the mushrooms on it.
On my T.V: Scamanda, Found (I need to catch up!), School Spirits (anybody else watching, what in the actual heck is going ON?) , Animal Control (if it's back) . Also I found Degrassi Junior High and Degrassi High, and I've already seen every episode of Degrassi: TNG and Degrassi: Next Class so I guess I'm gonna start from the beginning, hehe.
Listening to: The clack of the keyboard, Goose in the next room, and myself whistling. My Dad whistled all the time and it drove my mother nuts. I find myself whistling a lot and it makes me happy because it reminds me of Dad.
On the menu for this week: Today, we're having Winter Soup (like potato soup, but add a bunch of extra veggies), Tomorrow is Oregano Chicken with Rice, Wednesday we're having Cube Steak and Egg noodles, Thursday is Chicken Quesadilas, and Friday is Broccoli Cheddar Soup (in the crockpot because I'm grocery shopping that day)
On my to-do list: Buy bread, finish up that paperwork, make that soup, read my book. I'm so used to burning the candle at both ends that I've had to schedule time to do things like read books and basically lay around and laze about.
Happening this week: I'm meeting with a client on Thursday, grocery shopping on Friday...I'm also going thrifting with the girls on Thursday afternoon. I'm also de-stuffing clothes for the girls and for myself.
What I am sewing/knitting/crocheting/creating: I'll be designing some client gardens and I'm going to try and make suncatchers with Goose.
My simple pleasure: My little sunset walks which I do solely for the purpose of my mental health. I didn't realize that getting out of the house (usually alone) for even five minutes was going to have such a positive effect on my mental state.
Lesson learned this past week: We literally have no idea what people are going through, so just please be kind. Some people do a really good job of hiding when they are having a hard time and don't often speak about what's bothering them, and there are always various reasons for that. For everybody's sake, it's better to be kind.
Looking around the house: Does anybody else have *THE CHAIR* where laundry and/or coats congregate? We do and it's driving me nuts. Not nuts enough to do anything about it...just yet, but that time is fast approaching.
From the camera: Goose asked me for a haircut this weekend, and here are the results
Prayer List: The friend I mentioned last week, Gabe (may he learn to take better care of himself), this whole entire country, and the planet.
Bible Verse, Devotional: I don't really have a specific verse in mind, but we were in the 24th Chapter of Luke in church yesterday, and I noticed that on the walk to Emmaus, when Jesus walked with the disciples (and they had no idea who he was), in hindsight, they realized He was there the whole time, and that gave me a lot to think about, in the times where I've felt "alone."
Until next time...maybe I'll even get a recipe up here!