I find myself every week with such good intentions, to do the Happy Homemaker Monday thing and keep some kind of a semblance of regular blogging. And then time gets away from me and things get all crazy rushed and then I'm doing the second, third, fourth load of laundry...and...and...and.
I wish time would slow down. But honestly, time's doing what it's always done. Maybe time's not the problem. Maybe I am.
I need to slow down. It's been my mantra for YEARS. It's what my Dad yelled at me about until his dying day. Slow. Down. Take care of yourself.
I do slow down. I do notice things. More than I used to, for sure, but still not as much as I probably should. Goose helps me to slow down. I'm actively forcing myself. I looked at her face the other day. Gone is the chubby-cheeked cherub toddler girl. She looks so grown up. Were her eyes always that wise? Did she always know those words?
Time marches on, for sure. And the seasons are changing. There are buds on the alder trees.
I can wear light sweaters most days and not freeze my tail off. I dress like an elderly hippie, and I'm loving that.
And the tiniest sliver of a new moon the other day.
I think this is why I take so many pictures. (Besides trying to get used to this camera I just bought). So that time slows down (or I do) for even just a few minutes.
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