Monday, August 31, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday: August 31, 2020

 Wait! How is tomorrow September? Should I be glad because this year has been so...weird and troublesome? I don't know. Time is just going by so fast! 

The weather: Rain, rain, and some more rain. Thakfully, we didn't sustain any damage from Hurricane Laura. 

How I am feeling at this moment: A touch rushed, but overall, really really really good, physically and mentally, which is a nice break from the last few months. 

On my mind: Will I be able to finish this post before I have to take off for work? Hmm, only time will tell! 

On the breakfast plate: A few pepper strips I managed to sneak while prepping for tonight's fajitas and a few sips of Diet Dr. Pepper. Whomp Whomp. 

On my reading pile: I just finished "The Last of the Moon Girls" and it was so beautiful. So so good. Highly recommend. Now my mind needs a break because that book took it all out of me. I ugly cried yesterday when it was over. 

On my T.V: Undecided at this point. 

On the menu this week:

Monday: Fajitas, Rice, Salad

Tuesday: Chicken, Couscous, Veggies 

Wednesday: Zucchini Boats 

Thursday: Olive Garden Chicken, Potatoes 

Friday: Brazillian Hot Dogs 

Saturday: Beef Vegetable Soup 

Sunday:  Pepperoni Shell Pasta 

From the camera: 

My youngest child's fashion sense is EVERYTHING. 

Looking around the house: It's not bad. Ella and I hustled and did a bunch of stuff this weekend. Gabe is home today, but determined to make my life easier and help with housework. 

New recipe that we tried last week or one I really enjoyed: We had some precooked grilled chicken that I breaded and turned into Lazy Chicken Parmesan. It was pretty amazing, and Ella said it was a definite make again. 

To relax this week, I will: Walk the garden rows and enjoy the last month of dahlias I have. Sit on my porch swing with a big cozy blanket at sunrise and read whatever book I pick next. I'll pick up running again, and run the country roads I love so much while listening to music that hits my heart. Stuff my Dad would have wanted me to do. 

On my prayer list: My little family, both here and in other states. A few friends awaiting their babies, one of whom is due any day now! 


  1. So glad you were spared hurricane damage. Your food descriptions are making me hungry this morning. The things you plan to do to relax this week sound ideal. Hope you have a wonderful one!

  2. What a cute picture of your daughter! As usual your relaxig list is just the best! I love reading that list.

    Have a great week

  3. Howdy lovely Lady!
    I'm so glad the hurricane didn't do any damage! I hope it dries out soon around there. I love good books that give you a good cry. 😉
    Your littlest is such a dolly and love her style! Lol
    I love your plans for your relaxation this week. Sounds perfect. Have a blessed week ahead. xo

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Mental health and what the sunset has to do with it.

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