Monday, July 13, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday: July 13, 2020

Good morning, my friends. It's Monday...again. The weeks are just whipping by, and I'm kind of glad. I would be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to the end of this insane year.

The weather: At this moment, at 9:01 a.m. Eastern time, it's pretty much perfect. Give it a few hours and it will be too hot for me, but prime river weather for my girls.

How I am feeling this morning: Refreshed. Yesterday was restful and good, and so today, I am ready to face the week.

On my mind this morning: I have to take the work dog to the vet on Thursday, and given the fact that he weighs 165 pounds, it's going to be an undertaking. I'm also thinking about a home decor project that Ella and I will be attempting, and wondering what to put in the raised bed that we were just gifted by our favorite neighbor.

On the breakfast plate:  A cup of coffee and a side of Alan Jackson singing "Just as I am." Eventually, I'll eat. I think.

On my reading pile: I just finished "Wall of Silence" by Tracy Buchanan...and it was GOOOOD. I started on "Ghost Song" by Mark L'Estrange Saturday, but I haven't gotten into it yet. Kindle Unlimited is completely worth it!!

On my TV: Ella and I are rewatching Degrassi TNG from the beginning...again. Also, we're yet to pick a lame Lifetime movie for this week, although "Pretty Little Addict" and "My Evil Stepdad" are front runners. We tend to pick them by which ones have the most ridiculous movie stills on Lifetime Movie Club (Well worth the subscription fee, haha!!)

On the menu this week: 
Monday: Chicken and Couscous, veggies
Tuesday: Pork Chops in Mustard Sauce, Mashed Potatoes
Wednesday: Cabbage Roll Skillet
Thursday: Pork Stew, Roasted Potatoes
Friday: Zucchini Boats
Saturday: Soup and Sandwiches
Sunday: Chicken Spaghetti

From the camera: 
Yesterday, on my way home after work, a butterfly hitched a ride on my shoulder, and wouldn't leave so I brought it home for a short time. It took a liking to my husband!!

Looking around the house: It's clean. Very very clean. Ella and I busted butt organizing my kitchen shelves and it paid off. She also took initiative and vacuumed. Josie has her dollhouse open. The fan is going. Gabe and Ella are still sleeping, but Gabe should be up soon to get ready for work. 

Chore I'm not looking forward to this week: Not a fan of cleaning the fish tank, but it will be worth it. We have one very awkwardly shaped tank for one very picky Koi Betta fish named Greg Sanders (CSI, haha!). 

To relax this week, I will: Take walks in the wildflowers fields on breaks at work, take the big blanket and lay it down in the side yard and watch the stars with the girls. Draw luna moths. Drink my morning coffee when the kitchen is bathed in brilliant light, watch the sunset from my porch swing. Arrange chicory and queen anne's lace in the silver pitcher my boss gifted me with a few years back. 

Something I want to share: I had a blip of wanting to say something about this yesterday, and I'm going to post it here. Once you put a situation in the open, you can start dealing with it better. My life was turned completely upside down in March due to a situation with my husband. It knocked me on my butt, and I contemplated divorce. 
He apologized profusely. 
I've prayed about it. 
(The situation involved him being stupid with a co-worker of his, who was pretending to be a friend to me. It all blew up one night, and I've been dealing with it since. No, there was no physical affair) 
Gabe and I are slowly finding a new normal. Through my prayers, I've discovered I don't WANT to throw out 15 years of committment. He doesn't either. 
This situation kicked my butt. Knocked my weight loss off kilter. Threw me into a depression. I've spent more time than I want to admit crying, or angry, or both. 
And while my husband was way wrong for what he did, the girl in question was wrong too. He knew he was married, but so did she. 
He admitted what he did. He owned it. She doesn't see anything wrong with her role in the situation. And she honestly doesn't deserve a role in our lives anymore, in any capacity. 
Ooof. I didn't think I would write all of that out there. 
But since I have, here's the thing. God made marriage to be resillient. Yes, there are things that can and should end a marriage (abuse, etc)...but things like this...they can be recovered from. And my marriage will recover. 

On my prayer list: 
This country. It's in a mess. The state of Florida, and my sister's family, who resides there. She's pretty freaked out by their COVID numbers, and truthfully, so am I. 

Have a beautiful week. 


  1. Love the things you'll be doing to relax this week. They sound perfect. Sorry about the trial in your marriage, prayers it continues to improve. And prayers for your sister. Hope you have a nice week!

  2. I think I should write a list like yours about ways to relax, you have so many fun things on there.
    Yep sometimes things happen that are hard to recover from for a marriage, but if you love each other and your family you can get through it... but I agree the lady can be cut out of your lives, you do not need a reminder. Florida - ouch! will be thinking of your sister's family
    Have a great week.

  3. Hi Sweetie
    Sending big prayers your way with your marital issues. I can relate on some levels and agree about working on the commitment and not throwing it away. It takes 2 to make it work. I worked hard in my own marriage, but my ex couldn't overcome his issues and wouldn't work on things. We had been together for almost 30 years. After doing all the work and trying for 3 years, I knew I had to walk away. Hardest thing I've ever did. I believe communication, commitment and understanding from you both is the key. And leaning on your faith will go far too! I know the pain, the worry and the effort dear Friend. Big hugs!!
    I love your very descriptive ways to relax this week. Perfect. Blessings on the rest of your week Jo xoxo


Mental health and what the sunset has to do with it.

 On Decemer 2nd, right as it was getting ridiculously cold, I decided that for the sake of my mental health, I was going to get out every ev...