Monday, August 17, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday: August 17, 2020

 Good...evening. I'm on an overnight at work, and most of my day was spent schooling/working/getting ready for this overnight, so I'm just now hopping on to do this post. Whoops!

The weather: Dare I say it? It's cooling off!! I had to wear a sweater this evening!

How I am feeling this evening: Tired. My neck is sore, but that's from sitting here at an odd angle, ha. 

On my mind: The school year, going HOME tomorrow morning. The rest of this week. It's crazy how fast time is passing. 

On the breakfast plate: I had a glass of sweet tea and two mozzarella sticks. I mean, at least they were hot. (They were from the deli bar at the Food Lion). Don't worry, the rest of my family had a normal breakfast. I'm the only one who eats like a raccoon, lol. 

On my reading pile: I finished Thief River Falls and it broke my heart. And made me cry. And it was weird and wild and heartwarming. Now I'm going to start The Last of the Moon Girls by Barbara Davis. Hopefully it won't take me months to read. 

On my TV: I am emotionally and mentally preparing myself for the final episode of Greenleaf. I already know what happens, and I am NOT prepared. 

On the menu this week:

Monday: Chicken with couscous and veggies (Gabe cooked)

Tuesday: Beef and Cabbage Stew 

Wednesday: Garden veggie mac and cheese, cucumber salad 

Thursday: Beef Stew

Friday: Breakfast for Dinner 

Saturday: Comfort Chicken and Noodles 

Sunday: Taco Spaghetti 

From the camera: 

My oldest living child is a freshman in high school. I am NOT okay.

Looking around the house: I'm actually at work...but Fat Bear, one of the work cats is laying next to me, while JT the work dog is on the floor. It's lovely and clean because I cleaned before I signed off for the night. 

New Recipe I tried last week, or one we enjoyed: My husband likes his anime, and so he asked me to make Beef and Peppers from Cowboy Bebop. I made it on Friday and it was a success. I also made a cobbler for the first time in years, and it was pretty amazing. 

To relax this week, I will: Take my older daughter into the hills on a picnic with Chinese takeout (her idea). Take the younger daughter to the river, or on a mini picnic of our own. Take myself on a walk into the woods where I can look at the pine trees reaching up toward the stars and moon, my Dad's favorite view. 

On my prayer list: My Mom and siblings, as usual. Friends going through some difficult times, and a few friends whose due dates are fast approaching! 


  1. Your relaxation ideas are always the best.
    Great picture of your daughter and love how you get to spend time with each one individually.
    Great menu
    Have a good week

  2. Happy new school year! It's always an adventure as they get older, hang in there. Hope you are having a fantastic week so far!

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