Monday, April 17, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday: April 17, 2023

 My last Monday house-sitting! This time next week, I shall be home! 

The Weather: If Spring drags its feet any more, it'll be summer by the time it gets here. Most days are decent, but I freeze during my early morning runs, oof. It's more of the same this week, but at least we aren't due for snow like my home state (IL) is. 

As I look outside my window: The willow outside is greening up, and there are shadows on the red farmhouse. Pretty soon (if Spring actually decides to arrive, ha) you won't be able to see the farmhouse because of all the leaves. 

Right now, I am: Making a weird face. How did my coffee cool off so quickly? Oh, right. I took a break to oversee my youngest's math lesson. 

Thinking and pondering: Well, actually, answering the youngest kiddo's questions about everything from how a toaster works to oak trees. I suppose if I think about it, I'm thinking about everything that needs done before Thursday, when I actually go home. 

On the bedside table: Less and less. I'm packing up to go homeeeee!!!!

On my TV this week: School Spirits, Will Trent, CSI...I need to finish Chambers, but it's getting more and more ridiculous. I'm also in the last season of The Killing and what is even happening there right now? 

Listening to: Very, very soft music in the background. Josie shuffling papers. She's looking at a book about butterflies. We currently have ladybugs pupating and our caterpillars are all in their cocoons. 

On the lunch plate: Technically, it's breakfast. But I'm going to have some Lipton Extra Noodle Soup. Maybe a little ham sandwich. 

On the dinner plate: Rotini with meat sauce. 

On the menu for this week: Survival mode, ha. I swear, I just feel so much more comfortable in  my own kitchen. Taking it day by day until Thursday/Friday. I may take the weekend off of work (but likely not) and we're back to our usual OCD-style meal planning next week. 

On my reading pile: If you guessed Shallow Graves, you are absolutely correct. I'm further in now, and I aim to finish it before Thursday. My to-be-read pile is insanely large, I need to get it together. 

On my to do list: The last of the orders. The last of the potting-up. A ton of emails. I'm also trading dahlias with a few other growers, and I need to figure out what I want to do.  I have to transfer the chrysalids to their tent. Check in on the ladybugs, see if I need to drop in some raisin halves (it's what new ladybugs eat before their release!) Vacuum. 

Plans for this week: To go HOME. And then likely to do a bunch of housework when I get there. It's almost a ritual. Anytime I go into a space, I have to deep clean it. 

What I am creating: The beginnings of a garden. A love of reading in my youngest. A mental health plan for myself. The last three years have been a learning experience. 

My simple pleasure: Early morning walks/runs. I bought a pair of discounted wireless headphones a while back and man, have they ever gotten a ton of use. 

Looking around the house: I've started to gather stuff up to pack to go home. I need to clean that crazy kitchen window over the sink. The garden stuff is still all over the place, but this is where I garden from professionally, so don't expect that to be in order until June or so. 

From the camera: 

Just a tomao, right? Well. No. I grew this little babe from seed in my aerogarden. The aerogarden, which I didn't take with me to work, has been thriving on a diet of benevolent neglect. Gabe means well but it's honestly Ella who cares for it on the weekends. I went back yesterday to pick up the kids and there was a tomato!!!

Bible verse, Devotional, Quote: 
"The assumed appearance of superior sanctity frequently accompanies a total absence of all vital godliness."
--Charles Spurgeon

Have a beautiful week!!!


  1. Your tomato picture makes me ready for summer! Hope you have a wonderful week!

  2. Love reading your posts... crystallides, ladybugs, tomatoes... so nice! Have a great week

  3. Hello my Lovely! I'm with you - feels like true warmth will never get here. But it will and I bet you'll have tons of tomatoes before you know it! ;) Yay for getting to go home and be in your own space again soon. 💗

  4. I'm so glad you'll be returning home soon, I bet you missed it. Love the tomato, I have yet to start my seeds, I'm so slow this year.


Mental health and what the sunset has to do with it.

 On Decemer 2nd, right as it was getting ridiculously cold, I decided that for the sake of my mental health, I was going to get out every ev...