Monday, April 24, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday: April 24, 2023

 I'm home! I've also called off work today because my oldest woke up with an upset stomach and I'm not one to nope out on my kids...even if they are almost 17. I can count on one hand with fingers to spare the times I've called off work...but I don't go in if one of my kids is sick. Luckily, my kids are pretty healthy. I'm running way behind today, but at least I have the time to run behind in, right?

The weather: Would y'all believe we are under a freeze watch? Ridiculous. Guess I'm glad I'm behind in planting. The high temp for the week is 58, and the low is 30. Kind of nuts, but okay. It's almost May, but somebody needs to tell this to the weather. I had to have the heat on last night.

As I look outside my window: Bright sunshine and blue skies. 

Right now, I am: Typing up this post, debating answering emails and mentally running through today's soup recipe. 

How I am feeling: Trying not to feel super rushed. Trying is the operative word. 

On the breakfast plate: I ate a slice of breakfast pizza that I grabbed when Goose and I went out to buy things for Ella (Sprite, etc)

On the lunch plate: Had a quick sandwich and a couple of Sun-Chips

On the dinner plate: A chicken soup. Both to make Ella feel better and to keep the rest of us healthy. 

What I'm wearing: My slippers, a pajama shirt, my pocket leggings, and a gray hoodie I got from the Goodwill. 

On my reading pile: Y'all, I finished "Shallow Graves" and it completely tore my heart to shreds. In an effort to make myself feel better, I picked up "The Florabama Ladies' Auxiliary and Sewing Circle" by Lois Battle. It sounds feel-good and it better be. 

On the menu:
Monday: Chicken Soup
Tuesday: Cube Steak, Potatoes, Gravy
Wednesday: Butter Chicken, Jasmine Rice
Thursday: Breakfast Tacos
Friday: Pot Roast (also grocery shopping) 
Saturday: Not sure yet
Sunday: Rotini with Italian Sausage and Spaghetti Sauce, garlic bread

Looking around the house: If I don't put order to this living room, I may scream. Ha. I'm kind of glad to be home today. 

To do list: This post, clean up the living room, make the soup, walk the dog, check kids' schoolwork, maybe get some rest? 

From the camera: 

A field of buttercups, and my nails, which desperately need doing. 

Devotional: Today, I read about how maybe the pauses in our lives are more important than what we can produce. I'm on pause right now. I had lofty ambitions for today, but I'm home with Ella instead because she doesn't feel well. But maybe that's what I needed right now. 

Have a beautiful week!

Monday, April 17, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday: April 17, 2023

 My last Monday house-sitting! This time next week, I shall be home! 

The Weather: If Spring drags its feet any more, it'll be summer by the time it gets here. Most days are decent, but I freeze during my early morning runs, oof. It's more of the same this week, but at least we aren't due for snow like my home state (IL) is. 

As I look outside my window: The willow outside is greening up, and there are shadows on the red farmhouse. Pretty soon (if Spring actually decides to arrive, ha) you won't be able to see the farmhouse because of all the leaves. 

Right now, I am: Making a weird face. How did my coffee cool off so quickly? Oh, right. I took a break to oversee my youngest's math lesson. 

Thinking and pondering: Well, actually, answering the youngest kiddo's questions about everything from how a toaster works to oak trees. I suppose if I think about it, I'm thinking about everything that needs done before Thursday, when I actually go home. 

On the bedside table: Less and less. I'm packing up to go homeeeee!!!!

On my TV this week: School Spirits, Will Trent, CSI...I need to finish Chambers, but it's getting more and more ridiculous. I'm also in the last season of The Killing and what is even happening there right now? 

Listening to: Very, very soft music in the background. Josie shuffling papers. She's looking at a book about butterflies. We currently have ladybugs pupating and our caterpillars are all in their cocoons. 

On the lunch plate: Technically, it's breakfast. But I'm going to have some Lipton Extra Noodle Soup. Maybe a little ham sandwich. 

On the dinner plate: Rotini with meat sauce. 

On the menu for this week: Survival mode, ha. I swear, I just feel so much more comfortable in  my own kitchen. Taking it day by day until Thursday/Friday. I may take the weekend off of work (but likely not) and we're back to our usual OCD-style meal planning next week. 

On my reading pile: If you guessed Shallow Graves, you are absolutely correct. I'm further in now, and I aim to finish it before Thursday. My to-be-read pile is insanely large, I need to get it together. 

On my to do list: The last of the orders. The last of the potting-up. A ton of emails. I'm also trading dahlias with a few other growers, and I need to figure out what I want to do.  I have to transfer the chrysalids to their tent. Check in on the ladybugs, see if I need to drop in some raisin halves (it's what new ladybugs eat before their release!) Vacuum. 

Plans for this week: To go HOME. And then likely to do a bunch of housework when I get there. It's almost a ritual. Anytime I go into a space, I have to deep clean it. 

What I am creating: The beginnings of a garden. A love of reading in my youngest. A mental health plan for myself. The last three years have been a learning experience. 

My simple pleasure: Early morning walks/runs. I bought a pair of discounted wireless headphones a while back and man, have they ever gotten a ton of use. 

Looking around the house: I've started to gather stuff up to pack to go home. I need to clean that crazy kitchen window over the sink. The garden stuff is still all over the place, but this is where I garden from professionally, so don't expect that to be in order until June or so. 

From the camera: 

Just a tomao, right? Well. No. I grew this little babe from seed in my aerogarden. The aerogarden, which I didn't take with me to work, has been thriving on a diet of benevolent neglect. Gabe means well but it's honestly Ella who cares for it on the weekends. I went back yesterday to pick up the kids and there was a tomato!!!

Bible verse, Devotional, Quote: 
"The assumed appearance of superior sanctity frequently accompanies a total absence of all vital godliness."
--Charles Spurgeon

Have a beautiful week!!!

Monday, April 10, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday: April 10, 2023

I promise that one day, I'll have a post up here that isn't HHM. I swear. One day. Just not today. 

The weather: Listen, y'all. I know full well that Spring in the mountains is hinky as heck, but I've had just about enough of this crazy bipolar weather. Temperatures this week range from the 70's to the 30's...can we just PLEASE level out? 

As I look outside of my window: After today, I have ONE MORE MONDAY of house-sitting and then I can go hoooooooome. So, only one more Monday of the red farmhouse and the church steeple behind it. It's a fine view, but I miss home. 

Right now, I am: Typing up this post, and waiting on the kids to come back. They've been with Gabe all weekend, and they've had a great time from everything I'm hearing. Debating moving the cat off my Bible but he is deeply asleep. 

Thinking and pondering: I should pour some coffee. I need to wash the dog today, but I'll wait on the kids before I start that chore. I took some time to myself this weekend, which isn't my typical Easter style at all, but I've had so much going on and it's honestly time to put my mental health at the forefront of things. 

On my bedside table: Books. Books. Books. Probably pens, pens, pens. 

On my TV this week: All my usuals and Season 3 of The Killing (Hulu). Um, why didn't anyone warn me that Joel Kinnaman (plays Detective Holder) was so darn pretty and could make a drug addict detective look so good? I wasn't going to even watch it this week, hahah. I also started Chambers (on Netflix) and what on earth am I even watching? When the kids come back, Ella and I have to catch up on School Spirits, Animal Control, Next Level Chef and CSI: Vegas. 

Listening to: The washer going, birdsong, a song called "Alabama Haint". Myself sighing as I fix my schedule for the week, oof. 

On the lunch plate: I'm gonna make a salad. 

On the dinner plate: Hamburger Helper, and I don't care who judges me. It's a family favorite. It's honestly easier to cook at my house in my kitchen. My kitchen creativity has taken a nose-dive lately. Part of it is house sitting. Part of it is just life stuff I've been dealing with. Part is my ridiculous schedule and having to take care of fifty things all at once. I'll be glad when life slows down. 

On the menu for this week: I have absolutely no idea. I'm going to consult Ella and Josie and we are gonna put our heads together and figure it out. 

On my reading pile: Shallow Graves. I refuse to start another book until I finish it. The Bible. 

On my to-do list: Potting more dahlias. Four orders that need to go out today. Some clean up at the B&B. But time to sit and read my book too. Starting the packup process for home. 

Plans for this week: Get more ahead of dahlia season. Put plastic down in one of the gardens to solarize the soil. GO HIKING. 

What I am creating: A better headspace for myself. A more efficient schedule. A garden chart. Hopefully, a healthy meal plan. Maybe art. 

My simple pleasure: Writing down my thoughts. I used to journal in college, and it got me through a really awful time. I started again at the end of last year. It's been therapeutic. 

Looking around the house: The garden and all its reminders are absolutely everywhere. We have caterpillars and ladybug larvae on a back counter. We're raising butterflies and ladybugs this year. 

From the camera: 

The gardens at the B&B are the perfect place for an Easter Egg Hunt and that's where we had it this year. This is one of my favorite photos. Kudos to Walmart for an awesome Easter dress for under 15 dollars. 

Bible Verse, Devotional, Quote: There's so much...I'm studying the symbolism of water in the Bible and it's been fascinating.

Prayer List: My little family. My mentor, as he travels back from Europe next week. My sanity this dahlia season? 

Have a good week! 


Monday, April 3, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday: April 3, 2023

 Good Morning. I am crazy busy but determined not to let it get  me down. Let's do this! 

The Weather: We had some scary high winds this weekend, but things look to be finally evening out here, though our nights are a bit cool, things are still mainly decent, with temperatures ranging from the upper 50's to the 70's. 

As I look outside my window: It's not my window...I'm still house sitting. It's gray, but I did see the sun for a little bit when I dropped by the Bed and Breakfast to drop off milk in one of the cottages for the guests checking in today. 

Right now, I am: Finishing my cup of coffee and typing up this post, while making adjustments to my schedule. This week is set to be a bit wild/busy. 

Thinking and pondering: The best ways to make use of my time this week. Time management is a big priority right now. 

On my bedside table: Books. That heater which I swore I wouldn't need. ha. 

On my TV this week: I just finished "Safe" (on Netflix) and goodness, that was a ride. Ella watched the last 1.5 episodes with me and it left us both wide-eyed and just...whoa. 
Otherwise, it's the usual Will Trent (Hulu), CSI: Vegas (Paramount Plus), Animal Control (Hulu/Fox), Next Level Chef (Hulu/Fox). I had debated starting something new, but my schedule won't allow it this week, I don't think. 

Listening to: Daniel Tiger from the next room. Pye the cat rustling a bag. A song called "Innkeepers" by Penny and Sparrow. Something about the way he sings "nailgun" like it's one word has me tickled today. Some things just catch me off guard and this is definitely one of them.

On the lunch plate: I honestly have no idea. I may make a bowl of soup. So, probably soup, a slice of english muffin bread, and my medicine. 

On the dinner plate: Taco soup. I could have soup for every meal and be okay. 

On the menu for this week: In no particular order, taco soup, beef stew, Chicken a la king (I stole the idea from Sandra). maybe throw pizza in there. 

On my reading pile: I'm still making my way through "Shallow Graves" and's a tough read because of the way things unfold. I'm not going to give away the events, they are all public knowledge anyway but if you are aware of the case at all, then you know how frustrating it is even to this day. 

On my to-do list: Everything dahlias. I have to call some people in the society and finalize some things, but otherwise it's planting and picking and shipping. A trip to the post office is definitely in order for this afternoon. 

Plans for this week: Ship as many orders as possible. Get ahead of dahlia season. Egg hunt for Josie. 

What I am creating: A beautiful reality. Good meals. Better mental health. 

My simple pleasure: Right now, it's a good night's sleep. I feel so much better for it. 

Looking around the house: Pretty tidy and quiet. This kitchen counter/office situation has gotta change, ha. 

From the camera: 

One of my monstera leaves in the sunlight. 

Bible study, Devotional, Quote:
I read something this morning about when someone's heart is too full and busy with every day things, there is not much room for God and that resonated with me. 

Have a beautiful week! 

Mental health and what the sunset has to do with it.

 On Decemer 2nd, right as it was getting ridiculously cold, I decided that for the sake of my mental health, I was going to get out every ev...