Monday, August 31, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday: August 31, 2020

 Wait! How is tomorrow September? Should I be glad because this year has been so...weird and troublesome? I don't know. Time is just going by so fast! 

The weather: Rain, rain, and some more rain. Thakfully, we didn't sustain any damage from Hurricane Laura. 

How I am feeling at this moment: A touch rushed, but overall, really really really good, physically and mentally, which is a nice break from the last few months. 

On my mind: Will I be able to finish this post before I have to take off for work? Hmm, only time will tell! 

On the breakfast plate: A few pepper strips I managed to sneak while prepping for tonight's fajitas and a few sips of Diet Dr. Pepper. Whomp Whomp. 

On my reading pile: I just finished "The Last of the Moon Girls" and it was so beautiful. So so good. Highly recommend. Now my mind needs a break because that book took it all out of me. I ugly cried yesterday when it was over. 

On my T.V: Undecided at this point. 

On the menu this week:

Monday: Fajitas, Rice, Salad

Tuesday: Chicken, Couscous, Veggies 

Wednesday: Zucchini Boats 

Thursday: Olive Garden Chicken, Potatoes 

Friday: Brazillian Hot Dogs 

Saturday: Beef Vegetable Soup 

Sunday:  Pepperoni Shell Pasta 

From the camera: 

My youngest child's fashion sense is EVERYTHING. 

Looking around the house: It's not bad. Ella and I hustled and did a bunch of stuff this weekend. Gabe is home today, but determined to make my life easier and help with housework. 

New recipe that we tried last week or one I really enjoyed: We had some precooked grilled chicken that I breaded and turned into Lazy Chicken Parmesan. It was pretty amazing, and Ella said it was a definite make again. 

To relax this week, I will: Walk the garden rows and enjoy the last month of dahlias I have. Sit on my porch swing with a big cozy blanket at sunrise and read whatever book I pick next. I'll pick up running again, and run the country roads I love so much while listening to music that hits my heart. Stuff my Dad would have wanted me to do. 

On my prayer list: My little family, both here and in other states. A few friends awaiting their babies, one of whom is due any day now! 

Monday, August 24, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday: August 24, 2020

 Good evening, again! I had to rush out early today to go to an appointment, and this post never got written. Whoops. 

The Weather: It's honestly warmer this week than I would like, but I'll deal with it. After all, Autumn is on the way, and it's my (other) favorite season (along with Spring, Summer, and Winter, I'm not picky) 

How I am feeling this afternoon: Pretty good. It's been an eventful day, but it is nearly over. 

On my mind: My schedule for this week (yikes!) and how good it feels to lay down for a few minutes, even if it is only to type up this post. 

On the breakfast plate: It was more like lunch, but on the way to the appointment I had some hashbrowns with cheese and mushrooms and tomatoes. So, that's almost normal breakfast food. Go me!

On my reading pile: I'm maybe 10 percent into The Last of the Moon Girls. It's good. So good. I just literally have no time. But when I do read it, I get lost in it. The herb farm is literally my dream. 

On my TV: Tonight is the night that Ella and I WILL finish our terrible Lifetime movies, The Wrong Wedding Planner and Deadly Influencer. (Gosh who comes up with these titles anyhow?) 

On the menu for this week: 

Monday: White Sausage and Spinach Soup 

Tuesday: Chicken and Ramen Stir Fry with Garden Veggies 

Wednesday: Cheeseburger Soup (Crockpot), Salad 

Thursday: Chicken Pesto Casserole 

Friday: Meatball Stew, Noodles 

Saturday: Pork Patties, Mac and Cheese 

Sunday: Chicken Parmesan, Salad 

From the camera: 

Ella and I found this little frog in the mulch pile on Saturday! We think it's a girl!

Looking around the house: Ohhhh man. It needs vacuuming, badly. Gabe was off this weekend, and he had so much fun with the kids (I took a trip out of town for my own sanity). A little bit of vacuuming is a small price to pay. 

Recipe I tried last week or one we really enjoyed: I finally gave in to my husband and older daughter's begging and made my Dad's crepe recipe, topped with Nutella. And they were ROCKIN. 

To relax this week, I will: Steal moments away when my husband is home and available to watch Josie for a few. I'll lay back on our giant bed and  listen to The Black Crowes with closed eyes. I'll sit on our deck and listen to the rain. I'll get lost in a book. I'll weed the herb garden and let Josie pick the chamomile "daisies". 

Something I want to share: I cannot make a pancake. Literally, cannot. I think I'm cursed. 

On my prayer list: Everybody in the path of the tropical storm/hurricane combo. One of my best friends is evacuating, and it's honestly getting scary out there. 

Try and have a beautiful week, all! 

Monday, August 17, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday: August 17, 2020

 Good...evening. I'm on an overnight at work, and most of my day was spent schooling/working/getting ready for this overnight, so I'm just now hopping on to do this post. Whoops!

The weather: Dare I say it? It's cooling off!! I had to wear a sweater this evening!

How I am feeling this evening: Tired. My neck is sore, but that's from sitting here at an odd angle, ha. 

On my mind: The school year, going HOME tomorrow morning. The rest of this week. It's crazy how fast time is passing. 

On the breakfast plate: I had a glass of sweet tea and two mozzarella sticks. I mean, at least they were hot. (They were from the deli bar at the Food Lion). Don't worry, the rest of my family had a normal breakfast. I'm the only one who eats like a raccoon, lol. 

On my reading pile: I finished Thief River Falls and it broke my heart. And made me cry. And it was weird and wild and heartwarming. Now I'm going to start The Last of the Moon Girls by Barbara Davis. Hopefully it won't take me months to read. 

On my TV: I am emotionally and mentally preparing myself for the final episode of Greenleaf. I already know what happens, and I am NOT prepared. 

On the menu this week:

Monday: Chicken with couscous and veggies (Gabe cooked)

Tuesday: Beef and Cabbage Stew 

Wednesday: Garden veggie mac and cheese, cucumber salad 

Thursday: Beef Stew

Friday: Breakfast for Dinner 

Saturday: Comfort Chicken and Noodles 

Sunday: Taco Spaghetti 

From the camera: 

My oldest living child is a freshman in high school. I am NOT okay.

Looking around the house: I'm actually at work...but Fat Bear, one of the work cats is laying next to me, while JT the work dog is on the floor. It's lovely and clean because I cleaned before I signed off for the night. 

New Recipe I tried last week, or one we enjoyed: My husband likes his anime, and so he asked me to make Beef and Peppers from Cowboy Bebop. I made it on Friday and it was a success. I also made a cobbler for the first time in years, and it was pretty amazing. 

To relax this week, I will: Take my older daughter into the hills on a picnic with Chinese takeout (her idea). Take the younger daughter to the river, or on a mini picnic of our own. Take myself on a walk into the woods where I can look at the pine trees reaching up toward the stars and moon, my Dad's favorite view. 

On my prayer list: My Mom and siblings, as usual. Friends going through some difficult times, and a few friends whose due dates are fast approaching! 

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Triple Berry Cobbler: Something I baked that actually turned out!


Bear with me, y'all. I love to cook but I hate (HAAAYTE) baking. Mostly because while academically, I can follow a recipe and make something good, the presentation is atrocious. THIS, however. THIS turned out. It looked amazing, and it tasted amazing, so maybe I don't have to throw in the towel when it comes to baking just yet. 

I swiped the recipe from the Food Network magazine and followed it closely, except for the fact that their recipes just called for blueberries, but I also had strawberries and some blackberries that Josie and I had picked on an outing at my job the other day. 

Here. We. Go. 

Triple-Berry Cobbler

For the fruit:
8 cups mixed berries
2/3 cups sugar
1 Tablespoon lemon juice
1/4 cup all-purpose flour

For the topping: 
2.5 cups all purpose flour
1 Tablespoon baking powder 
2.5 heaping tablespoons sugar, plus more for sprinkling
1/2 teaspoon salt
1.5 sticks plus 2 Tablespoons cold salted butter, cut into pieces
3/4 cup milk
1 large egg 
Vanilla ice cream, for serving

1) Preheat oven to 425. For the fruit: Place it in a large bowl and sprinkle in the sugar and the lemon juice. Add the flour and stir to combine. 

2) For the topping: In a separate bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt. Stir it around, then add 1.5 sticks cold butter, and use a pastry blender to combine the butter and the dry ingredients. Full disclosure: I used a potato masher, because I don't own a pastry cutter. 

3) Whisk together the milk and egg, then drizzle it onto the flour/butter mixture, and stir until the dough just comes together (it should be lumpy) 

4) Pour the berries into a 9x13 baking dish and dot them with the 2 Tablespoons butter, then tear off pinches of the dough and dot them all over the top. Sprinkle the top with extra sugar. Cover loosely with foil and bake for 20 minutes, then remove the foil and bake for about 25 minutes more. Serve with ice cream. 

(I didn't take a good photo of the finish with ice cream, so I had to screenshot my Instagram stories, lol) 

Isn't it glorious?

Monday, August 10, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday: August 10, 2020

 Good morning, friends! I hope you've had a lovely weekend, and hope your Monday morning is equally lovely! 

The Weather: It's cooling down a bit this week. There's a wave that the Hurricane Center is keeping an eye maybe some bad weather coming this way. I hope not, hurricane season always makes me nervous, even this far inland. 

How I am feeling this morning: Rushed, and hatin' on my allergies. Honestly, I'm not impressed by this allergy season at all. It's been SO bad and everytime I sneeze, I get looked at like "Oh, no, you have the Rona!" (No, no, I do not) 

On my mind: Work...because I have to go in sooner than anticipated. Sometimes, I feel like I need a bit more of a break, but honestly this is the reality of dahlia season. I'm super glad that when I brought dahlias to a local antique store, they've sold out both times I've delivered. 

On the breakfast plate: Um, I've had a cup of coffee and two Altoids. So, I'm clearly winning, haha. 

On my reading pile: I finished "Don't Even Breathe"...and it was SO good. One of the only books where I didn't guess the killer!! I think I'm going to read Thief River Falls, because it sounds good AND it's where my husband's favorite uncle lives. 

On my T.V. : Ella and I are watching "The Wrong Wedding Planner", but we've had to watch it in pieces because at the end of the day I am just. so. tired. It's awful in the way only a Lifetime movie can be. 

On the menu this week: 

Monday: Meatloaf balls with rice and gravy

Tuesday: Hot Dog Soup (it's my husband's grandma's recipe, might post on the blog)

Wednesday: Caprese Grilled Cheese 

Thursday: Country Club Chicken 

Friday: Peppers and Beef 

Saturday: Yellow Split Pea Soup in the Crockpot 

Sunday: Italian Sausage and Gnocchi Skillet 

From the camera: 

I visited a sunflower farm yesterday. It was beautiful!

Looking around the house: It needs TLC, BAD. Gabe was off this weekend, and I took that time to get a little bit of time to myself. He tries, though, and that's what matters. 

Chore I'm not looking forward to this week: All the time I'm going to be spending in the garden. It's beautiful (I'll try to post some pictures this week), but it's exhausting. I'm exhausted. 

To relax this week, I will: Watch the Perseids from a mountaintop with my teenage daughter. Take my younger daughter to the river and skip flat stones Take a sunset walk alone. 

Something I want to share: Epsom salt around the water line of tomatoes and peppers helps to make more fruit :) 

On my prayer list: This country, the world, but more specifically, a couple friends who have tried so hard to have babies. I just want this be to be their year. Please pray earnestly with me. God knows who they are. 

Saturday, August 8, 2020

In the Kitchen: Taco Empanada (a study in what NOT to do)


Okay, so. Don't let this picture scare you. It looks very, very bad (because I'm still trying to get better at baking stuff), but according to my family it was very, very good.  I can attest to the filling being good, because I took some and put it on top of a salad. 

So, here's the recipe (along with a bunch of stuff that I did absolutely wrong and will correct the next time I make this) 


 Leftover pie crust, ground beef, taco seasoning, a pepper (that I grew in my garden and am ridiculously proud of, fyi) half a can (or whatever you have) of diced tomatoes, a can of corn, some salsa, (not pictured) onion, and some leftover pie crust. 

What you do: 

Brown your ground beef with the onion and green peppers. Add in the corn, tomatoes, salsa and spices. Continue cooking until all of the flavors meld together. 

Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Put your filling in your pie crust. DO NOT PUT YOUR BAKING SHEET ON THE HEATING OVEN LIKE I DID. Do not overfill the crust like I did. 

Add cheese. Do not overfill. Do not overheat. Pinch it closed. Do a better job than I did, PLEASE. I know you can do it :) 

Bake until done. It will likely look better than mine. Even if it doesn't, it will be freaking delicious. So, it's win-win, right?

Happy Homemaker Monday: March 10, 2025

 Look, look! I'm here on a Monday. Honestly, it's only because I've taken this whole week off work to reset my nervous system, b...