Monday, May 25, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday: May 25, 2020

Good...afternoon. I am late getting this up, but I've already been to work and am actively planning dinner. It's memorial day, and I've already cried twice because this is the first year where Grandpa Bruce isn't with us to go to the Memorial Day event at our town Veterans Park. Later on, I'm going to take the girls to the park to put some flowers next to Grandpa's name on the wall.
This is how we choose to remember Grandpa, slightly grumpy, always full of life, and forever making his beautiful music. 

Anyway, before I start crying again, I'm going to get on with this HHM. 

The weather: Rain chances every. single. day. But at least we aren't under a flood watch, because last week was ROUGH. I just want some sun on Thursday, Josie's 3rd birthday. Please. Pretty please?

How I am feeling this afternoon: Tired. Grateful for the cooling fan. 

On my mind: Grandpa Bruce. My Mom's birthday present, why isn't it here yet? (Because COVID, I know) I'm hoping I can pull off dinner today (Sandra's Beef-filled Crepes), but feeling mildly confident because I can make wonderful crepes. 

On the breakfast plate: I had Hardee's hash rounds and a coffee, and half a little apple hand pie. 

On my reading pile: I got the reading bug and finished the Angie Pallorino series by Loreth Anne White last week. I ugly cried SO much. I need to finish "Dewey" and I already started "Dark Vengeance" by Russell James. 

On my TV: I honestly have no idea right now. I've mostly been reading. 

On the menu this week: 
Monday: Beef Filled Crepes
Tuesday: Chicken and Couscous, Veggies
Wednesday: Pork Chops in Mustard Sauce, Mashed Potatoes
Thursday: Josie's birthday! Meatball Philly Cheesesteak Bake, and Cake!
Friday: Italian Chowder
Saturday: Cabbage Roll Casserole
Sunday: Chicken Fettucine Alfredo

From the camera: 

The soon to be birthday girl, Josie Tamarah, in all of her curly haired glory!!

Looking around the house: Overall not bad, but my living room looks like a toy store threw up in it. Oof. 

Chore I'm not looking forward to this week: Right now, it's folding the laundry. Because I just don't waaaaaant to. 

To relax this week, I will: Wait until Thursday and maybe sleep in just a touch before decorating cupcakes, ha. 

On my prayer list: This country, my Mom and siblings as usual, and an unspoken prayer request. God knows. 

Devotional/Bible Verse: I'm currently in 2 Chronicles, and I'm coming to the end of it. Today, I read about Hilkiah finding the book of the law and King Josiah realizing how greatly Judah had transgressed...and immediately seeking God. And it's made me wonder. How often am I actively seeking God? 

Have a beautiful week!!!

Monday, May 18, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday: May 18, 2020

How on EARTH are we halfway through May? How is my daughter FOURTEEN years old? How is the baby turning THREE in ten days? What year is this? It's been that kind of morning, haha.

The weather: Some rain and craziness due to Tropical Storm Arthur...I can already see the fog rolling in. The drive to work is gonna be fun.  We have rain chances every single day this week, but it's Spring in the mountains, so of course we do.

How I am feeling this morning: Not as rushed. I was able to get up early enough to have some alone time. That's when I recharge from work, kids, etc etc. Now I'm typing up this post and getting ready to leave for work.

On my mind: ALLLLLL the things I have to get done today, including a trip to the post office (which I am not looking forward to, social distance people, PLEASE) to send a few little goodies to one of my best friends.

On the breakfast plate: A quarter of a chicken and mushroom quesadilla and some warm pasta salad.

On my reading pile: I'm almost halfway through The Lullaby Girl (a continuation from The Drowned Girls) and Angie Pallorino (the main character) is such a bad@$$! I love her. Also, it helps that some of the book is written in Polish, my native language. I haven't read anymore in "Dewey" but I was scrolling through my Kindle and found "Dark Inspiration" by Russel James which I had gotten AGES ago and read a little bit in. Well, it sucked me in and I finished it yesterday and ended up getting the sequel "Dark Vengeance." I'm a sucker for a ghost story, and the ghost story in these two books is great. Kindle Unlimited is totally worth it.

On my T.V: Ella and I watched "Scoob", which I bought for her as part of her birthday present. It was cute. We also watched "Stalker in the Attic"...nobody takes these Lifetime movies seriously, do they?

On the menu this week: 
Monday: Breakfast for dinner: Cauliflower Kuku, Toast, Bacon
Tuesday: Sandra's homemade Crunchwraps
Wednesday: My Gram's Vegetable Soup
Thursday: Cube Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy
Friday: Chicken Stir Fry
Saturday: Taco Casserole
Sunday:  Pasta Carbonara, Salad

From the camera: 

These kids crack me up!!

Looking around the house: The dishwasher is going. Josie is coloring in a coloring book The living room will need to be vacuumed later. I have some deep cleaning in the bathrooms.

Chore I'm not looking forward to: The bathrooms. Sigh. At least it's not the refrigerator.

To relax this week, I will: Read. Maybe watch a movie by myself.

On my prayer list this week: This country, the government, my friend and her newborn baby. My Mom, as always.

Bible Verse, Devotional 
This was in my reading this morning...and it's made me think. I need to work harder at cultivating a friendship with Jesus.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

In the Kitchen: Breakfast Casserole

This is loosely based off a recipe I googled from here . I've played around with some of the amounts (aka, I measured nothing)
I'm going to give y'all the Kitchn's measurements because they're what I used the first time I made this recipe. (Usually, the first time I make something, I follow the recipe to a T, then play around with the amounts once I'm comfortable)

Anyway, here we go

What you need to make this: 

*Cooking spray
*Olive Oil
*Ground sausage (mine is in the picture, it's just hidden)
*medium onion, diced
*red/green/whatever peppers (mine are frozen, but you can use fresh)
*frozen hash brown potatoes
*10 large eggs
*1 cup sour cream
*1.5 cups of milk
*2T mustard (the original recipe called for dijon, but I like the grainy stuff better)
*Shredded cheese (I used mild cheddar because that's what the kids devour)

Here's what you do:

*Preheat your oven to 375

*Spray the inside of your casserole pan (mine is way too big for this probably, but it's what I grabbed) with cooking spray

*Brown your sausage, and then add your onions and peppers

*Add some spices...salt, pepper, whatever. I use Possum's seasoning because I discovered it on an impromptu road trip with a friend before this COVID craziness, and I love it.

*Throw that all into your casserole dish, and add the hash brown potatoes. Mix together (not pictured)

*Beat the eggs. In a separate cup, whisk together the milk, sour cream, mustard and some salt/pepper. Combine the milk mixture with the eggs. Add cheese.

*pour over your hash brown/sausage mixture

*Bake for 45 minutes or so, until a knife stuck in the middle comes out clean.


Full disclosure. While I was cooking this meal, I ate a chocolate-frosted sprinkle donut

Monday, May 11, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday: May 11, 2020

Good morning! I'm running behind (when am I not though?). Mondays used to be my days off/late short shift days, but with the Coronavirus and just basic schedule changes, it's anything goes. Today, I'm mostly off, but who knows what next week will bring/

The Weather: Cloudy and cool right now, but the danger of frost is supposed to pass after Wednesday night, so I can finally stop bringing the plants in/taking the plants out, etc etc etc.
The rest of the week looks warmer, with higher rain chances.

How I am feeling this morning: Physically, pretty good. I do think I didn't follow a good diet this weekend, bleh. But, mothers day...that's my excuse anyway.

On my mind: The usual. I'm trying to plan ahead for my Mom's birthday (the first of June). Ella and I are brainstorming that, while I am also trying to brainstorm Ella's birthday (this Sunday) and Josie's (the 28th). The gifts are starting to arrive via USPS and I am running out of places to hide them!! (we have one for Josie behind the shower curtain in the spare bathroom)

On the breakfast plate: A pizza made from naan bread, and a Diet Dr. Pepper. Breakfast of champions, lol.

On my reading pile: Still getting through The Lullaby Girl. But, GUYS, I finished a book. I picked up Like Water for Chocolate for the fourth of fifth time (because KIDS) and I finished it over the weekend! What an odd, sad, magical book.
Also, Gabe bought me a book about Dewey Readmore Books, the library cat in Spencer, Iowa. I'm taking it extremely slowly because I have a super big weak spot for cats and I already know that Dewey died after a good life. I've gotten halfway through the first chapter (where he was found) and I've already cried twice.

On my T.V.: I honestly have no idea. Ella and I need to watch Stalker in the Attic and pick a terrible movie for next weekend. At the rate I am going, I'm never going to finish CSI (for the fifth time)

On the menu this week: 
Monday:  Ham, potatoes, and green beans in the crockpot
Tuesday: Pizza Soup (probably also in the crockpot)
Wednesday: Breakfast Casserole (recipe up on blog probably Wednesday night)
Thursday: Beef Stew, Mashed Potatoes
Friday: Chicken Pesto Pasta, veggies
Saturday: Sausage, Cabbage, and Potatoes
Sunday: It's Ella's birthday, so we are having her requested Slow Cooker Ravioli Lasagna, salad and of course, birthday cake.

From the camera: 

We have some wetlands across the street from our house. I know these buttercups are just weeds that grow by the water, but I love them so much.

Looking around the house: The sun is coming out. I need to get the drop cloth folded...the one that I keep my plants on. I have some laundry to fold.

Chore I'm not looking forward to: Overhauling the laundry room. I think I would honestly rather dance on Legos barefoot, but it will be worth it!!

To relax this week, I will: Work in the garden. Take a long walk with my camera at some point.

On my prayer list this week: My husband, my kids, this country. A pregnant friend who is due in just a few days.

Devotional/Prayer Verse: 

I'm doing a study in Proverbs this month and this is one of my favorite verses.

Have a beautiful week!

Friday, May 8, 2020

In the Kitchen: My Grandma's Vegetable Soup

I love soup. Period. All the soup. But this is one of my favorites. 
With the help of my Mom, I was able to nail down the recipe. Thanks, Mom!

Without further ado, here we go. 

The Things You Need: 

(keep in mind, some stuff isn't pictured because I'm a Mom and working at half-brain capacity) 
*Smoked Sausage
*Pat of Butter
*Diced Tomatoes
*Can of Green Beans
*Can of Corn
*Chicken Stock
*Frozen Vegetables (my Mom always called it "Mrozonka" which means frozen lol)
*Random Pasta Shapes (I used tiny elbows this time, but anything goes)
*Half n Half
*Sour Cream

It's a weird and motley list of ingredients, but trust me here. Polish Grandmas can't go wrong. 

*Brown the sausage, onions, and veggies (but not the frozen ones) in a bit of butter

*Add potatoes, diced tomatoes, and chicken stock
(Disclaimer: You will notice the lack of amounts in the recipe. This is one of those "grandma didn't measure a dang thing, Mom didn't either, nor will I. I promise not all of my recipes are this disorganized)
*Add your pasta 
Shout out to the Mexican store in my town, for making it feel a little bit like home!

;*Dump in your frozen veggies

*Stir in a big ole tablespoon or so of tomato paste

*Mix a big splash of half n half with some sour cream. Yes, this is one hundred percent necessary

*Add that to your simmering soup
*Stir together and bring to a quick bubble

*Optional* I added fresh dill from my garden, like a good Polish cook would, ha :)

It tastes just like my Gram's. And my Mom's. One day my girls will make this...the thought makes me all misty eyed. Sigh. Time goes by way too fast. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

On the subject of giving Grace

I like to get up with the sun in the mornings. I feel guilty when I don't.
The last few days, I've slept terribly so getting up with the sun is really hard (especially when the sky was beginning to lighten as I was falling asleep, ugh).

I'm literally my own biggest critic. I'm just a critic.

My husband and I hit a rough patch in late March. The kind of situation that requires grace and forgiveness, things that I had in extremely short supply at the time.

And yet God gives me that grace so freely, when I've done nothing to deserve it. I absolutely do NOT deserve it.

Wouldn't it make sense for me to give grace and forgiveness, as I've been given it?

I read the other day about picking battles and my Dad always told me that there were hills to die on "and then there are those other hills."

And so I'm trying.

I didn't see the sunrise today, save for when I opened my eyes and opened the curtain a sliver to see how light it was outside. Last night was ROUGH.
But I'm giving myself grace.

The situation with my husband is slowly improving. Part of me is still hurt, and angry. Part of me wants to lash out, and say ALL the hurtful things.
But I've cried and prayed about it, and the answer is astoundingly clear. Grace. Forgiveness. And more grace.

And so it is.

I hope that you're giving yourself and the ones around you grace, friends.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday: May 4, 2020

May the 4th be with you today :)

It's my daughters' birthday month, and they will both be very happy with the presents they will receive, I'm sure. My husband and I have gone above and beyond.

The weather: The forecast keeps changing! We were supposed to have snow this coming Saturday (no thank you!) but now the forecast says no. There's a definite drop in temps past Thursday though, so I'll have to bring in my plants again.

How I am feeling this morning: Rushed and aggravated. I'm supposed to have more time to spend at home during this, but I'm essential. Sigh. I'm thankful to have a job, but sometimes it's seriously demanding. At the same time, I could never fully stay at home, because work is all I know.

On my mind: See above. Also, converting tonight's dinner to the InstaPot.

On the breakfast plate: Psh, nothing. I had a cup of coffee, but thanks to my insane schedule, it's looking like either a granola bar or a drive through somewhere. If I'm lucky.

On my reading pile: I started "The Lullaby Girl" by Loreth Anne White and I can't get into it. I like the main character, so I think I'll just have to get past the slow start and I'll be good.

On my T.V: Yesterday, in true terrible Lifetime movie fashion, Ella and I watched Killer in the Guest House. It took us half of the movie to figure out that it was a sequel to Killer Downstairs. No spoilers here, but oof. I'd definitely think twice before renting out my guest house to ANYBODY. If I had a guest house, haha.

On the menu: 
Monday: Instapot Cabbage Roll Casserole
Tuesday: Breakfast for Dinner
Wednesday: Beef and Broccoli, Rice
Thursday: Creamy Comfort Chicken
Friday: Grandma's Vegetable Soup
Saturday: InstaPot Cube Steak, Potatoes, Peppers
Sunday: Spaghetti and Meatballs

From the Camera: 

This was our 6th year raising painted lady butterflies and we released them on Saturday. 

Looking around the house: It's bright, it's sunny. The washer is going. Josie is playing with her big dollhouse (a relic we've had since Ella was a little is she turning 14 in less than two weeks?!)

Chore I'm not looking forward to this week: Sorting out the fridge. And the big garden. 

To relax this week, I will: Wait, people are relaxing? hahah

On my prayer list: The country, the world. My county, right now, is the only county of 100 in the state of North Carolina with no lab confirmed cases of the COVID.  I pray that it will stay that way. 

Devotional/Bible Verse: I've been listening to Alan Jackson's hymn collection and through my time in the Baptist church, I've realized that I know every word. The Baptists and I disagree on a whole lot, but not the hymns. Heaven seems a lot sweeter and closer since my Dad and Grandpa Bruce left. 

Have a beautiful week, my friends!

Happy Homemaker Monday: March 10, 2025

 Look, look! I'm here on a Monday. Honestly, it's only because I've taken this whole week off work to reset my nervous system, b...